Congratulations to the newly elected officers for 2017-2019:
President: ShaSha Chen
Vice-President: Zulin Shi
Secretary: Yin Kean
Treasurer: Catherine S Wang
Chicago Fujian Association meeting minutes:
Date: Sunday, December 18, 2016.
Time: 12:00pm
Where: Dolo restaurant's private room
Address: 2222 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL 60616
Karen Zhou, ShaSha Chen, Duc Huang, Mrs Huang, Catherine S Wang, KKTee, Yin Kean, Zulin Shi
Committee discussed the re-file the name to "Chicago Fujian Association". It was approved unanimously. The Treasurer is authorized to file all the necessary forms with the State of Illinois.
The next item discussed was the election of officers for a two year term (2017-2019). The following officers were voted & approved unanimously.
President: ShaSha Chen
Vice-President: Zulin Shi Secretary: Yin Kean
Treasurer: Catherine S Wang
Attention was then directed to spring banquet. ShaSha proposed the banquet be held on April 15, 2017 at Phoenix restaurant. Karen will contact the owner for the date & menu. The following committed for table sponsors:
ShaSha: 1 table
Yin + Karen: share 1 table
Duc Huang: 1 table
Zulin Shi: 1 table
Cath + Tee: share 1 table
Next, announcement:
處長visits Chicago Fujian Association on Tuesday January 3, 2017 at 11:00am at the Chinese American Museum located at 238 West 23rd Street Chicago IL 60616
The meeting Adjourned at 2:00pm