Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kin Ka Kin Chiew

HOKKIEN VERSION OF :_ The 7 Habits for highly effective people
Steven Covey's famous 7 habits for successful people are nothing more than a free adaptation of very common Hokkien phrase(surprised ?)

Have A Good Laugh!! Cheers……………..

So why pay thousands of dollars to attend talks when your grand-parents, parents, spouses and even the auntie who sweeps the floor can give you the same kind of advice FOC, everyday?

Habit No 1: Be Pro-Active
Kin Ka Kin Chiew
( Fast leg, fast hand )

Habit No 2: Sharpen the Saw
Toh Bua Lai Lai
( Make the knife sharp )

Habit No 3: Begin with the End In Mind
Ooh Tao Ooh Buay
( Have head, have tail )

Habit No 4: First Things First
Chik Hung Chik Hung Lai - Ban Ban Lai
( One thing at a time, slow and steady ); or
Cho Tow Seng ( Do first ; talk later )

Habit No 5: Think Win-Win
Long Chong Ai Yarh
( Must win everything )
This is definitely not thinking win-win. This is a zero sum game. Win everything!

Habit No 6: Seek To Understand Rather Than To Be Understood
Cho Lang Ai Eh Beng Pek
( You must be understanding )

Habit No 7: Synergize
Tai Kay Ai Hup Chop
( All must cooperate )

Chicago Fukienese Association Spring Banquet 3/30/13

Photos courtesy of David K Lee

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Celebration Dinner Invites

Chicago Fukienese Association invites you to the Spring Celebration dinner on Saturday March 30, 2013 at 6:00pm at the MingHin restaurant.

The cost is $400.00 per table of ten people.

Hope to see you there!